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Imposter syndrome

  💼 One of the topics I have been coaching on a lot lately is imposter syndrome. Have you ever struggled with it? 🤔 Imposter syndrome can be a silent struggle, but know that you’re not alone. Many of us battle with feelings of inadequacy, despite evidence of our accomplishments. …

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Serenity Now

I felt the familiar rush of blood to my limbs and drain of blood to my brain, both happening at the same time. The warm tingle, the quickening heart rate—I immediately recognized this as the activation of fight or flight in my body. I didn’t look like I was in fight or …

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The ABCs of Getting Good ZZZs

I have always been jealous of people who seem to do great on four to five hours of sleep. I function very poorly on anything less than eight. When I get less sleep, I am in increased pain and I feel fuzzy, reactive, easily frustrated, and depressed. I often slip into the inviting …

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First Person: Finding My Voice as an Amputee Advocate

When I trained to be a lead advocate for the Amputee Coalition, I wondered how I would do in the role. I am not all that advanced with my knowledge around policy and politics, but I wanted to impact the system and create meaningful change. Who better to advocate than those …

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How Life Coaching Changed One Amputee’s Outlook

Over the years, therapy has helped me address a range of challenges, including depression, substance abuse, chronic pain, and a congenitally unhealthy limb that was finally amputated last spring. But when I discovered life coaching a few years ago,I gained a fundamentally new understanding of how mental and emotional healing …

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My Commitment to Speak-Up

I am heartbroken. I have a lump in my throat so big it is hard to make words form. I am a white woman. I am a master’s degree educated single mom, I have a disability leaving me with significant loss of use of one of my legs, I know …

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Lessons we can learn from Covid19

1) To find a slower pace Rushing constantly has many negative effects on lots of things. Finding a slow pace, lower vibration, a less frenetic energy is beneficial, take time to pause. 2) Be flexible Nothing is set in stone. Events you planned on, trips you wanted to take, those …

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Remote Work Environments

In the face of Covid19 Are you as an employer or as an employee switching to remote work conditions, a few things that might help? Hopefully, your workplace already has a cloud and uses something like Dropbox or Google Drive for documents. Google’s suite offers great commenting that allows for …

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