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Remote Work Environments

In the face of Covid19

Are you as an employer or as an employee switching to remote work conditions, a few things that might help?

  • Hopefully, your workplace already has a cloud and uses something like Dropbox or Google Drive for documents. Google’s suite offers great commenting that allows for easy interaction between teams to get a project done.
  • Trello is a quick easy to use project management system that can be helpful when you aren’t able to have in person check-ins. Teams can create to-dos, deadlines, and assign to specific people. Details and comments allow for more information about each item.
  • Zoom, is a great communication tool for video conferencing that is reliable and has excellent video quality most of the time. It also makes it so you can record videos, and with the pro version, you can have larger conferences with break out rooms and more!
  • Social distancing doesn’t mean people are off social media so stay connected with your clients through communication via social media.
  • Consider Monday Huddles to check in with how people to see how they are feeling. Monday, March 16th will be a day that many workplaces will be starting remote work for the first time and it might be complicated and confusing for many. Have a call just to see how everyone is doing not about work but in general, stay connected and be willing and open to support employee’s wellness.
  • Communication via video such as Loom can be better than an email so use the resources that you can to cut down on miscommunication.
  • Slack offers great quick and easy instant chatting to keep connecting and interact quickly on projects.

If you are stuck with moving to the digital remote work environment, I have been doing some form of remote work for more than half a decade. I have learned a lot from it, so please reach out with questions.